What is FireSmart?
The FireSmart BC Program is a provincial initiative aimed at reducing the risk of wildfire damage to homes, communities, and forests. Everyone’s actions count. Whether you’re a homeowner, renter, or community leader, following FireSmart principles helps build a wildfire-resilient British Columbia.
FireSmart is here, ready to educate the residents in preparing for Wildfire with tips and resources to Firesmart your property. Your FireSmart Coordinator is here to help you! | 250-459-2261
Home Ignition Zone Assessments available this spring.
Click here to schedule yours.
Links to help you “FireSmart” your property.
FireSmart Guide to Landscaping
Wildfire Hazard Online Assessment Tool
Homeowners FireSmart Manual
Wildfire! Preventing Home Ignition
Like and follow our Clinton and Area FireSmart Facebook page for information and upcoming events in the community.