Richard’s Tile and Design
P: 778 881 4817
E: r.armit@gmail.com
1600 Cariboo Hwy, Clinton, BC
About: Custom shower installations, bathroom renovations, general home repair.

Jason Pasemko – Plumbing and Gas Fitting
P: 250 945 4426
E: jasonpas@live.ca
About: Red Seal Plumber, Class B Gas Fitter, Licensed, bonded and insured.

Jayco Plumbing
P: 250 395 0106
6111 Marlboro Rd, 100 Mile House, BC

Curious Fox Wildcraft
P: 604 218 6954
E: guide@curiousfoxwildcraft.ca
About: Curious Fox Wildcraft advocates for ecological restoration and environmen.. Read More >tal education. We take joy in being a part of creating a verdant future grounded in our home places and the natural worlds surrounding them. Aednik, of Curious Fox Wildcraft, is also a craftsperson who works with crochet, nalbinding and weaving, makes delightful preserves such as jam and chutney, and makes soap from mainly local sources of fat.

Clear Between the Knots Mfg. Ltd
P: 250 804 1110
E: logs2lumber@hotmail.com
7073 Walch Rd, Clinton, BC
About: Custom cut sawmill specializing in high-end timber products including bea.. Read More >ms, timbers, decking, and lumber cut from interior Douglas Fir.

H.T.H. Plumbing and Heating
P: 604 355 3080
Technical Safety BC Licensed Gas Contractor LGA0210210 Red Seal Plumber Red S.. Read More >eal Gas Fitter Licenses, Bonded, and Local

Frontier Plumbing and Heating
P: 250-644-6076
E: info@frontierplumbingandheating.com
100 Mile House, BC