CADOSA Game Dinner, Dance, and Auction – April
Clinton’s Outdoor Association put on an exciting evening with a dinner, dance, and live auction. This popular local event with have your toes tapping and auction paddles waving!

Photo Credits: Tarra Hinton
The Clinton Annual Ball – May
A 155-year tradition continues with the Annual Ball held in May, spend an evening enjoying cocktails, dinner, and dance in full pomp and ceremony. Era-appropriate dress and arrival by horse-drawn carriage are strongly encouraged. All the details and the best-dressed list can be found

Clinton May Ball Parade – May
One of the most colorful events of Western Heritage Week in Clinton is the Annual Parade marching through Clinton to celebrate the May Ball Rodeo Weekend. Community organizations, businesses, and other local groups proudly parade through our community, businesses host special events and the Museum rounds out the event with daily events. Parade starts at 11am.

Clinton May Ball Rodeo and Dance – May
The May Ball Rodeo has been a staple in Clinton since the 1960s. Take in two days of exciting BCRA rodeo action including the Packhorse Race and Cowboy Foot Races. Enjoy concessions and beer gardens all day and join in on the two-stepping at the Rodeo Dance on Saturday evening.

Seedy Sunday
This annual one-day event is buzzing with information, presentations, workshops, and vendors. Learn about beekeeping, find your next planting project, browse the vendors for locally made goods, and enjoy lunch from the concession and leave with a little bit more of a green thumb!

Photo Credits: Mary Putnam